Realtor Classes & Workshops
Keeping You on the Cutting-Edge
Keep your education up-to-date with the latest mortgage and housing developments. Our realtor-focused classes & workshops focus on a wide-variety of topics to give you the edge when working with clients and partners.
Make It A Team Event!
Interested in group education sessions for your whole team? EdgeU is happy to offer individualized workshops and informational sessions for you and your office team. Contact us at
Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Completion of EdgeU classes and workshops grant a number of CE credit hours depending on the session. Check out our workshop and class listings to learn about the specific number of credit hours each session will earn you.
Articles for Realtors
Four Ways to Save Time and Improve your Business - find out how you can improve your unique business process and save time check out this article
Is Your Marketing Agreement RESPA Compliant? This article outlines the CFPB's (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) new approach to MSA's and RESPA compliance.
How the New Mortgage Rules Impact You. . .check out this article that outlines how three recent changes impact real estate professionals.
In this article we outline Five Reasons Real Estate Agents Should NOT Give Mortgage Advice. . .work with experienced and accessible Loan Originators to be a part of your homebuyer Team!
Why you Don't Need to Give Out Three Business Cards - this article explains why real estate agents don't have to refer multiple lenders, work with Lenders that you have confidence in.